Let's Talk

Something New

MP900444039It is so much fun to have something new: a new job, new clothes, new adventures, or a new vision for the rest of your life. But along with the excitement and anticipation also come doubts and fears.

What if what I am attempting to do fails? What if I haven’t prepared enough? What if. . . Anything new has its thrilling and daunting moments.

Here We Go

I am stepping out with a new website! Yes, it is still called Focus with Marlene. But it has a new face – a new heading – a new presentation.

“Let’s Talk” is my new format that replaces “The Counselor is In.” Old blogs are still stored with instant access. While I will continue to write and speak about life strategies, I want to expand on past topics and talk about new concerns.

Over the years I have written and continue to speak about the “what if’s”, fears and apprehensions we have and ways to overcome them. I am not immune from these everyday occurrences anymore than you are. I too experience doubts and insecurities and struggle to solve problems. It is part of being human.

But as a psychology major, teacher and licensed therapist, I have at my disposal ongoing education and training that I can apply to my own life and which I enjoy sharing with others along with my own personal experiences. For example, in my current manuscript, “From Winter to Spring”, I share my story of loss along with clinical ways to recover, heal and make a transition to a new reality.

“Let’s Talk”

I invite you to join me in conversations about life, change, problems, loss, stress and ways to overcome any adversity you may encounter. Some of your concerns will be similar to mine – others will not. As we explore options, your voice can be added to mine and others as we share common goals.

What concerns are you facing right now?

What concerns are impacting your life: family, relationships, losses, stress, pressure at work? Let me know. What topics would you like to have blogs address? Sign up to receive my blogs and e-newsletters. I appreciate and read all your comments. I will be adding blogs from time to time that will feature a book, story or author who might be of interest to you.

If you would like to have a free no-obligation personal needs assessment, send me an e-mail. And be sure to sign up to receive your free e-newsletter that will be going out the first of each month.


Marlene Anderson


2 Responses to “Something New”

  1. Reply Merilyn Millikan

    I’d just like to receive your newsletter each month. I’m just getting older, losing friends, struggling to keep up with the times etc. Nothing specific. It’s to good to hear from you.

    • Reply Marlene Anderson, MA, LMHC, NCC

      I apologize for not answering your comment earlier and would love to add you to my newsletter of the month. In order for you to receive it, however, you need to sign up on my webpage. Let me know at [email protected] if you had any difficulty. Blessings

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