Let's Talk

Posts Categorized: The Counselor Is In

Learning From Our Experiences

When we are listening to our internal critic it  simply replays all the things we do wrong. It reminds us we are no good and will never do anything right. And we find ourselves either beating ourselves up or constantly trying to defend ourselves. When we are learning any new skill, there is a learning curve.  With each new layer of…

Time Out

As I went to physical therapy today for a sore shoulder, I was reminded that I needed to slow down and do my exercises slowly.  But I am so used to rushing here and there keeping up with a very busy schedule that it requires a conscious and deliberate choice for me to slow down. We rush…

Challenge That Critic

If your internal critic is constantly being triggered, nagging you and won’t leave you alone, stop and consider what it is saying. Remember, these messages are coming from your past and are demeaning and negative. They are messages you heard as a child that label you and remind you of all your failures. They include…

A Beautiful Retreat

It is always amazing to see God work and to have the opportunity to be a small part of that work. This last weekend women’s retreat, “Healing the Wounded Heart, Transformation through Pain,” hosted by Pastor Mary Lou Sanders, in Winthrop was such a blessed event. New friendships were made, new support systems set up,…

Our Internal Critic

As we grow up we are constantly hearing messages that label us in some way. Messages such as: you will never amount to anything, why can’t you be like your sister, why won’t you listen, how can you be so stupid. Some are direct labels: fatty, teacher’s pet, stupid, etc. All of these cut deep…

Fear is Generated in Our Thoughts

Nothing perpetuates fear faster than regenerating it through our thoughts. What are you saying to yourself about yourself and your situation? We need to have time to share with with friends our concerns and problems. But when we have a continual stream of conversation with ourselves that is focused on our “What if’s”, worry and fear, problems take on…

Find That Passion Within

We can challenge our fears about job loss and rising living costs by taking positive action; cutting our expenses, becoming a smart shopper and taking advantage of bargains and second hand stores. Cutting up credit cards, buying only what we need, and sticking to a realistic budget can help us say NO to unnecessary wants while we take charge of our lives.  But…

Start a Savings Program

Stop spending and start saving. Figure out how to live with less. Replace a spending habit with a savings habit. Pay off those credit cards. Challenge yourself. Be brutally honest about your spending habits. Then make a commitment to invest in You. There are many financial advisors today who write blogs and articles on how to build…

Don’t Let “Things” Become Your Identity

Nothing can keep us locked in financial difficulties more than when our identity becomes associated with the things we own. “Things” do not define who we are. You are not your home, your clothes, your cars, your toys, your club memberships, where you shop, etc. It doesn’t mean you can’t want or work for nice…

Challenge Your Lifestyle

We live in a world of high power marketing. Technical advances have been rapid and we struggle to keep up with the changes. We are told, covertly or otherwise, that we cannot live without the latest gadget – in fact if we aren’t using all these modern “conveniences”, we are living in the dark ages….