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Posts Categorized: The Counselor Is In

The Cost of Stress

Stress is expensive When we remain in a constantly activated high stress mindset, we negatively impact our long term health and our pocket book. Chronic stress costs money and affects every aspect of our lives. It has long term impact on our personal health and it especially affects our families, our relationships, and our ability to do quality…

How Chronic Distress Impacts Your Health

Distress is epidemic It has been estimated that in the western world two-thirds – 75% – of all office visits to physicians are stress-related. It is a major contributing factor either directly or indirectly to the six leading causes of death in the United States, including coronary artery disease, cancer, respiratory disorders, accidental injuries, cirrhosis of…

Stress Facts

Stress is universal. Everyone experiences it in some way – every day. Stress is normal and natural. We can’t live without stress. It enables us to set and achieve goals and enjoy life. Stress is also a survival system that alerts us to danger and prepares us to meet that danger. How we perceive what we can do and what…

Visualizations to use with Healing

I have used healing visualization many times when recuperating from surgeries and illness. After a back fusion, I used the recovery time in the hospital to visualize healing and reduce pain levels.  Its amazing how powerful such images can be.  The visualization reduced pain levels so I did not need all the pain medication available to me and the relaxation and…

Mini Relaxation Exercises

Here are some additional ways to reduce stress on an ongoing basis throughout the day. They are quick and easy and once you start doing them, they become habits that continue to make life easier and more pleasant.  Mini-Relaxation Exercises 1. Develop the habit of becoming aware of your breathing throughout the day. If it is fast and…

Use Relaxation Strategies Anytime – Anywhere

Once you are able to relax and let go of unnecessary tension by using a relaxation exercise once a day, you can start using that relaxation response wherever you are.   The body quickly responds to breathing evenly, slowly, and deeply. When you add such phrases as “letting go”, your body will let go of tension and become more relaxed anywhere, anytime.   Here…

Added Benefit of Visualization

Deep relaxation of the body and mind may feel  threatening if you are a person who has always been in tight control of everything. But when you allow yourself to become deeply relaxed you are able to let go of the need to be controlling and instead are able to take charge of your life. You will be  able to…

Teaching Yourself to Relax

You can quickly relax your mind and body anytime, anywhere by putting in place a relaxation response habit. Getting Started Find a quiet, comfortable place where you feel safe and you won’t be disturbed. Tell people you don’t want to be disturbed, put out a DO NOT DISTURB sign, shut off your cell phone. Get comfortable…

Only 15 Minutes A Day

Fifteen Minutes can do wonders We can learn to quickly relax our bodies and reduce tension or high levels of stress by practicing a simple  relaxation exercise once a day.  Learning how to systematically reduce the tension throughout your body can quickly lower your stress levels.  Taking the time to learn how to do this can have enormous health benefits. …

Focus On What you can do

What do you say to yourself? When we are under pressure to complete a job within a time frame, our thoughts can add to that stress. I’ll never finish in time If I don’t do a good job, I might lose my job I wish I could work as fast as Susie If I don’t…